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22 Replies
Cedrick - March 1

For me it is so permissible anyway you have promised each other to give the most of what is needed. If your urine is all ready clear then go on. Sex is a gift from God...


Marina - March 1

How recently is it? But if you experience pain or something unusual just stop it and control yourselves in making intimacy, just wait for the right time.


bobbielyn - March 1

as to avoid any temptation wanting an intercourse after giving birth, i suggest that you would take some time to sleep separately with your husband.


Charr - March 2

As long as you are already strong, Then why not? this is a gift from God. The desire to be with each others arm is shown that you feel in love and is being loved. Praise God all the time!!!


Yeyaze - March 2

the availability of both of you is very much needed. It is ok for you to have sex even if you are recently give birth to your newly born baby. Just take good care of yourself.


Hilly - March 4

I don't think there is any reason why you shouldn't do it.


Given# - March 4

I think I agree to most of the peeps in here... But if it is not really that new or something or if you can manage to do it with your husband, then why not? :)



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