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Anxiety Disorders
13 Replies
Lady Mae - April 1

I am newly married and I'm afraid if ever I become pregnant that I am having a nervous breakdown about three years ago, I'm afraid that should I get pregnant and have a nervous attack, I wouldn't be able to take the medicine. Please do share with me your good idea about my situation. Thanks!!!


sheba - April 1

what you're going to do is just relax..calm down and just pray that everything will just be ok.if u just keep on afraid and afraid, you're just worsened the situation.


melanie - April 1

Sorry, but I'm so confused why you have such nervous breakdown kindly please elaborate more your, I could also give you my best answer or opinion regarding this matter of yours? Thanks!


edlyn - April 1

before you`ll get pregnant, as early as today, focus first on treating your anxiety disorder. take some time to breathe in and to put yourself into calm.


geraldine - April 2

Yeah, don't let your disorder ruin everything..especially your pregnancy. You must have proper medication on it..but the problem is your pregnant, right? So, you can't take some medication..I think, you better ask your doctor regarding this matter..


Chelsea - April 3

Focus your attention to positive view. Think of a great success in life that may be reached out. More so think that God loves you more than you love yourself.


Floidet - April 3

Don't cross the bridge when you are not yet there. Remember to set your mind to the will of God. And don't forget to eat the right kind of food.


devine grace - April 3

Just think good and always feel good. You can't have anxiety disorder if you think of good things and avoid those bad ones or forget all those frustrations you have experience before. Just be happy and trust in God! Of course, trust your Doctor too!


Glyrish - April 5

if you get nervous every time you get pregnant then I should advice you not to let your fear ruled over yourself.the only who could help to eradicate your nervousness is You.


kelly thomas - April 5

Anxiety disorder is a very serious not ignore it and please do some proper treatment for it, especially that you are planning on getting pregnant.


Giggle - April 6

Pray for it to not happen; prayer is so powerful but you also have to be positive about that. I am not sure if this applies to everyone but I know someone, though she has different disorder as you, but when she's conceiving, it never attacked nor ruin her pregnancy.


Georgie - April 6

Do not be afraid. Think positive.Pray to the Lord that He will bless you always. That He would deliver you from evil.


honey - April 8

Have some counseling and always get help with your anxiety disorder from your family and friends who really cares.


Bernard - April 9

How about you may have to divert your attention , don't focus only for yourself. But to give time to view the surrounding that you may become creative, so that you cannot think any morbid thoughts.



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