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6 Replies
Crystal - April 14

Is eating these foods that are rich with aphrodisiac substance will help a woman with her infertility issues?


Angela - April 14

For some reasons yes, since these food increases your sexual desire thus making your sex more attainable and pleasurable.


Regina V. - April 14

A lot of my friends say and do so. Like one of my friends eat this oyster which is a very common food that is purported to be aphrodisiac.


Tina - April 14

I think this is not true. Yeah, your sexual desire may increases but your fertility is not so much addressed though.


cheryl - April 14

I think aphrodisiac's foods and drinks does not help a women to get pregnant. As I known it, it can help in boosting the energy sex drive in both men and women.


john - July 29

it's a myth! it doesn't really help with infertility problems. it only increases your sex drive.


Momsie - July 31

aphrodisiac is a food, drink or drug that stimulates sexual desire and has
the ability to put people in the mood for has nothing to do with fertility issue or whatsoever...



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