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1 Replies
herby - December 2

I when to the doctor because I had symptoms of a bladder infection and while I was there the doctor layed me down and pushed on my right and left side of my lower abdomen and asked if I felt pain and there wasnt so I said no and then she Bentley hit my back in different places and asked if it hurt and I said no so then they came back and said I had a blader infection but now after a day of taking to medice my right lower abdomen slightly burns its now unbearable but it is uncomfterbale and some times my right kidney area hurts..


hepee - December 2

Bladder infections can also cause back pain. This pain is associated with pain in the kidneys. Unlike muscular back pain, you might experience pain on both sides of your back or the middle of your back. Such symptoms mean the bladder infection has likely spread to the kidneys. A kidney infection can also cause a low fever.

A doctor can diagnose your bladder infection by performing a urinalysis. This is a test performed on a sample of urine to check for the presence of:

white blood cells
red blood cells
other chemicals that are present in the urine when there is a bladder infection

Bladder infections are treated with prescription medications to kill the bacteria and relieve pain and burning. Home treatments may also help relieve symptoms and cure the infection.

drink six to eight glasses of water a day, but consult with your doctor about the correct amount of fluid to drink if you have kidney failure
drink cranberry juice daily
urinate as soon as you feel the need
wipe from front to back after urinating if you are female
don’t use douches, feminine hygiene sprays, or powders
take showers instead of baths
wear cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothes
change your underwear daily
wear sanitary pads instead of tampons
avoid using a diaphragm or spermicide and change to an alternate form of birth control
use nonspermicidal lubricated condoms
urinate before and after sexual activity
If the condition is sever, seek diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill for help. Hope this can help you.



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