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three miscarriages
9 Replies
Nixie - February 23

My husband and I are newly married, 2 years in July to be exact. We started trying for a family around our 1 year anniversary. We became pregnant right away and that is when the heartache began.

August 2009- 1st miscarriage no heartbeat
Had a D&C but no testing because it was my first pregnancy.

January 2010-2nd miscarriage blighted ovum
Naturally miscarried and both my husband and I got a genetic work up done. Both came back normal.

November 2010- 3rd miscarriage Low fetal heart rate/then none
Had a D&C came back with chromosomal abnormalities

We have no trouble getting pregnant, it is just remaining pregnant. We have been referred to a fertility specialist and have our first appointment next week.

Are there any success stories about successful pregnancies after a number of miscarriages?


Marigold - February 23

A coworker of mine had several miscarriages (I'm not sure exactly how many), was found to have a clotting disorder, was treated and is now the proud mama of four beautiful kiddos! Good luck


Velvet - February 23

I'm going through a similar situation, my husband and I have no problem getting pregnant, it's staying pregnant that's the issue. We've had 2 miscarriages, one at 6 weeks (natural) and one at 12 weeks (D&C) nurse said 2 consecutive miscarriages is normal, but I asked for a blood workup anyway. I'm also reading "Preventing Miscarriage" by Jonathan Scher has a lot of helpful info - you may want to pick up a copy. Hope your first fertility visit goes well!


Avani - February 23

hang in there as getting pregnant successfully after recurrent losses can happen especially with all normal testing & no real explanation for the losses (like myself) as I am proof to this. My husband & I had been trying to get pregnant since July 2006. When I saw my OB she kept saying don't worry it will happen etc... after a year I decided to see an RE & started the ball rolling from Oct 2006. In June '09, April '10, June '10 I had 3 miscarriages. The last being the hardest as I saw the heartbeat and at the next it was gone. I was tired of hearing all the time your tests are normal, nothing is wrong. even though the last time the baby had a genetic abnormality, my husband & I have tested negative for chromosomal testing, so my RE said that there was no reason, it just happened. Then in July '10 I became pregnant again naturally (was actually in the Dr.'s office discussing doing my 1st IVF/PGD cycle when I told her my period was late & I took a blood test & it was positive) I now have a beautiful daughter after 3 losses in 12 months.


Sybil - February 23

Hi I'm 25 and so confused. I have also had 3 loses, my first was sep 2009 at 12-14 weeks at first scan, was told the nurse couldn't see anything, and asked if i was sure i was pregnant. I was then seen by another nurse(a new one) and was told i could have the abortion pill or have it sucked out as she put it. I went home with my partner and had a natural miscarriage 6 days later. i went for a scan 3 weeks later to check was all okay, although i only did this after researching online. I went onto to have 2 more 2010 feb and may, i have been sent to a fertility hospital as doctors didn't now what to do. I have had scans, dye test and cameras nothing seems to be wrong. Then when i told them i have been through this 3 times, i had more bloods which also came back fine. I was told to ring hospital on my next period to start first round of IVF. Although this is good i was shocked as we both expected to come away with some kind of medication first. it's frustrating.


AshleyVer - February 23

There are! if you experienced three miscarriages, you can see a doctor so that she/he can give you some tips so that you can be able a success pregnancy.


terri - August 3

recurrent miscarriage should be taken seriously. visit your gyne to identify the reason for your losses.


Libby22 - October 10

Have you look into scaring on the lining?


herby - November 21

Miscarriage is never something pleasant, and this is why a lot of women would like to find out the causes of it so that they can avoid them. There are numerous medical conditions that could lead to miscarriage, and there are also some other actions or events that can induce it.

Miscarriage can be divided into two categories: single miscarriage and recurrent miscarriages. The causes of one-time pregnancy losses are usually caused by chromosomal abnormalities in the developing baby. And they often occur in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Widely recognized causes of recurrent miscarriages include the following:

Infections including German measles, CMV (cytomegalovirus), mycoplasma, gonorrhea, HIV and certain other infections
Exposure to environmental and workplace hazards such as high levels of radiation or toxic agents
Hormonal problems
Uterine abnormalities such as endometriosis, in this condition fuyan pill can help
Lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or using illegal drugs
Disorders of the immune system, including lupus
Severe kidney disease
Congenital heart disease
Diabetes that is not controlled
Thyroid disease
Certain medications, such as the acne drug Accutane
Severe malnutrition


antonella - November 23

Miscarriage can be divided into two categories: single miscarriage and recurrent miscarriages. The causes of one-time pregnancy losses are usually caused by chromosomal abnormalities in the developing baby. And they often occur in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Have you found the cause of your miscarriage yet? And if your first discharge had not been dealt with well, and your fallopian tubes got inflammated at that time, the inflammation of your fallopian tubes could also cause your following miscarriage.

However, to find out the solution for your situation, you should find out the exact cause first. And if your condition was caused by inflammation in your fallopian tubes, you could try an effective herbal therapy"fuyan pill".

It could kill pathogen, anti-inflammation, clear heat, and promote the blood circulation. What's more, it has the function on repairing women's reproductive organs.

If you still have any questions, professional online doctors, such as Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM Clinic, could help you.

Good luck.



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