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Senior Years
7 Replies
LudyVe - January 29

In our sexual play I use a lubricant jelly, but I can still feel the pain, the reason that I don't have any satisfaction of doing the play. Is this normal for the senior years?


jobelyn - January 30

Perhaps sexual pleasure really differs with age. But how old are you by the way? I think if you're in your mid 30's sex is still exciting and fun to do with.Ask your gynecologist some advice regarding this and why in your sexual play you feel some pain..probably he/she has some solution in your problem.


Gladyz - January 30

Correct! Sexual satisfaction during sex has different in a degree to each human being. You mention that you even use a lubricant jelly. You are in your senior year so speaking of satisfaction, it is not so extreme as in your younger years.


Loraine - April 13

That must be very hard on your part. I guess that is normal during senior years and it seems that lubricant jelly isn't very effective anymore.


melanie - April 14

Decreased estrogen at the time of menopause may cause the vaginal skin to become thin, dry and painful with the friction of intercourse. The opening to the vagina may loose elasticity and be painful with penetration. Estrogen replacement medication can relieve many of the vaginal symptoms and even stop the hot flashes which cause sleep disturbance, but in spite of this, there still is some loss of sexual desire at the time of menopause.


Tonirose - August 2

sorry you have to go through to your partner. maybe a long foreplay will help.more kissing and hugging or maybe you can watch porn together.i think this will help.


michael - August 9

use your imagination and make sex adventurous. this will help increase libido. don't rush and stress yourself out. if possible, do it slowly.


melogen - September 11

get over the counter vaginal estrogen cream. this helps stimulates natural lubricants in your vagina.



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