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egg donation
2 Replies
Anita - December 26

Hi everybody!
My name is Anita.
I'm 25 years old, healthy European women. I'm tall, slim, pretty blonde.
I have a healthy baby who is 2 years old already. I have never had any gynecological problems, abortion or miscarry.
I'm looking for a family in need to buy my eggs.
If you are seriously interested, please reply on my post or send me a letter and I will answer all your questions.

Best Regards,


geraldine - July 29

oh, i do hope you'll find clients here..but i think you have posted on the wrong site..good luck anyway!


anonymous - September 11

oh hi! i am in search for someone selling healthy eggs. if you can, private message me with your infos and contact details. if possible, show me your medical records. hoping to hear from you soon.



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