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Ovulation Pain
9 Replies
Autumn - February 26

Can anyone shed some light on this subject?
I feel slight pain on my left side and I am on thise days should be Ovulating. Im sorry if I sound ignorant.


Lexie - February 26

I have the same thing. It is normal for some people to feel themselves ovulating. For me it's gotten more pronounced since I've been trying to conceive. Probably because I'm getting very observant of what my body is doing!


Nalani - February 26

I too, get a pain in my side once a month. Mine is far worse on the right side than the left side (and I don't always feel it on the left). Once I started tracking symptoms, though, I found that it came during ovulation AND came back during a period. Weird, I know. I guess most of us are "abnormally normal", with different "issues" that turn out to be no big deal at all.


Aisha - February 26

Apparently it's completely normal. What you are experiencing is likely 'Mittelschmerz'. Mittelschmerz is German for "middle" and "pain." It is also known as ‘ovulation pain’ or mid cycle pain’. It is a one-sided lower abdominal pain, but can switch to the other side the next month.


Nadja - February 26

I only get this on Clomid. First time was the feeling in my right ovary, this cycle it was my left. I know it's normal but I wonder if that means I never Ovulated on my own because I never experienced any of these feelings without Clomid. Yet my periods have always been pretty regular.. Hmm. Anyway its normal and actually a good sign, means your ovaries are working!


nhesa - February 26

if during your ovulation you experience pain , then it is better to consult it to your physician. Be practical!


Nori - August 3

the pain and discomfort you are experiencing during ovulation is pretty much harmless and common.


micaela - August 3

pain can occur every month and it lasts anywhere from a few hours to 3 days.


alexa - August 4

if there is a vaginal bleeding occurs during midcycle pain, you might need to see and ask the doctor about it.


herby - November 23

Many women never experience painful ovulation. Some women, however, have mid-cycle pain every month and can determine by the pain that they are ovulating.

Ovulation usually occurs about two weeks after the first day of each menstrual cycle, so the timing of the pain makes mittelschmerz easy to recognize. To help determine if your pain is related to ovulation, your doctor may ask you to chart your menstrual cycles, noting any episodes of pain, as well as the location of the pain (the pain of ovulation usually occurs on one side of your lower abdomen). Your doctor also may perform an abdominal and pelvic exam to help rule out other possible causes of pain, such as endometriosis or a cyst on your ovary. In this condition, you can take fuyan pill to eliminate the inflammation and kill bacteria.

If your pain is severe or if the doctor notices any irregularities on the exam, he or she may order blood tests or X-rays to help determine the cause of your pain.

Call your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms during ovulation:
Pain with urination
Redness or burning of the skin at the site of the pain
Mid-cycle pain lasting longer than a day
Hope this can help you, good luck to you.



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