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Birth control is making me bleed all the time!
3 Replies
ndesmarais710 - January 11

For the past year and a half my gyno has been trying to treat suspected endometriosis with hormones. I have tried 3 different bc pills. The first (can't recall the name as I only took it for 4 months) could not regulate my period and did not help with pain. The second one she prescribed me to take continously was alesse. I was having severe "break through bleeding" every month sometimes lasting 10-20 days at a time. There were times I would only go a week and half with no bleeding in between. I started quartette (also continuous) 3 months ago and went 4 weeks before the bleeding started again, lasting 21 days. I have gone 2 weeks with no bleeding but it started again today. She keeps telling me it's normal and to be patient but I'm so frustrated. Has anyone else had experiences similar? Did you eventually find something that worked?


MrBaconAppeared - January 31

I am also on Quartette. The first month was fine, no bleeding whatsoever. I have now been experiencing heavy spotting and bleeding for 17 days. I am at my wits end but my dr also says it's only because it's the first round and to be patient. I don't know if I can do it, this is tough. It's making me emotional and I am constantly tired and feel like I can't even carry my own weight. I don't know if I should wait it out or give up. If say if we are both dealing with it then it must be sort of normal.


vancanuck - May 2

Being a girl is the worst :(
I was on the BC pill Loestrin (1.5/30) for a few years but took a 6 month break as it was getting costly. I never had a problem with it.
I recently went back on it (a month ago) and had 3 weeks of non-stop breakthrough bleeding virtually right away until finally going in to see my doctor again. He suggested I try Marvelon - so I started it a week ago and since have been having even HEAVIER bleeding non-stop.
I recently started dating a new guy and am desperate to get this resolved, as we obviously haven't had sex yet. A month of constant bleeding is awful. I know the hormones are probably going to take a while to stabilize, but is there anything I can do to stop the bleeding ASAP. I just can't imagine waiting months for this to stop.

This waitin around is the worst :(


geraldine - July 29

BC pills isn't a permanent fix and it isn't always an effective treatment for endometriosis . talk to your doctor and ask for other option.



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