Missed Period for 2 cycles, Negative Pregnancy Test
6 Replies
I have a question in regard to periods. I have missed 2 periods now, soon to be a third. I have taken multiple pregnancy tests, used both First Response and New Choice (Dollar Tree) and they have all been negative. Other symptoms I am having are some nausea (not consistent) and extremely sore breasts, can't touch them or lay on them at all. Very confused as to what is going on, and wondering if I am still able to get pregnant.
I am not a doctor, BUT, when I took the first two pregnancy tests, they were negative and I was indeed pregnant. Is the line a faint faint pink? Like can you see it a tiny bit (not talking about the test line, the other line). If it is even faint, you could be pregnant. Can you call your doctor and get a blood test to know for sure? Are you trying to get pregnant?
Good luck, hope this helps!
Go see a health care provider. If you aren't pregnant you need to be worked up to figure out why your periods have stopped. If you can't get in to see one right away, another thing you might want to do while waiting is have a blood pregnancy test done. You can arrange to have that done yourself through the on-line service Private MD Labs. You order it with them on-line and pay them by credit card, then you print out the requisition and take it to the lab. Good luck!
The easiest and safest thing you can do is to really go see a Gynecologist. Some Pregnancy test kits are not accurate. There is a big possibility the you may be pregnant since all symptoms are showing.
How old are you? The same thing is happening to me. I've taken several tests.. only one had a faint (very faint) positive result.
I went to the Doctors before Christmas and had a HCG/Beta (?) test done and is was all negative. I had a tubal ligation in 2000 and am worried about a ectopic pregnacy.. I am planning a second visit to the OB/Gyn
Hang in there and Good Luck!
it's because pregnancy kits/tests are not accurate. visit your nearest clinic and ask for urine test instead.
Whether you are trying to get pregnant or are concerned about an unplanned pregnancy, a pregnancy test is an important tool. For more info about pregnancy test please visit motherhow.com/pregnancy-test/