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Vaginal Mystery
3 Replies
randomdaydream - July 8

I'm looking for some advice before I see my obgyn!

About 8 months ago, I realized that I had a severe allergy to a chemical at work. It caused a dermalogic reaction to my skin, including vaginal skin. After eliminating my exposure to this chemical completely, I thought all my issues would go away. However, for the last six months, I have been constantly experiencing pain during sex, itchiness, dryness, and sometimes odor. Over the counter and prescribed medications for bacterial and yeast infections haven't helped. My obgyn suggested boric acid insertions. Every time I use one, I have extreme itchiness and irritation.

I have no idea what to ask my obgyn to test for and I'm not completely confident in her ability to help me. Suggestions?


vidduh - July 29

my goodness!any idea what chemical is this?sounds scary!are you working on a factory or what?


caroline - July 31

it does actually help but it depends on it's severity.if it makes you bleed all
the time, then i think it's not the right treatment for you.


ramy - August 1

i know for sure that BCpills should be able to help you regulate your period . but it seems that it's the other way around. think you should consider or switch to other treatment.



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