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Can a yeast infection go away by itself?
2 Replies
hepee - November 30

I have a yeast infection and I m on my period, I ve had the yeast infection for about a week but I can t treat it because I literally have NO money and I can t go to the doctor because I don t have insurance, I can t even do natural remedys because I don t have the materials to be able to get rid of it naturally. What can I do? Will it go away eventually if it s left untreated? I fell itchy, can anyone tell me the way to cure it? thank you


hepee - November 30

Yeast is a fungus that normally lives in the vagina in small numbers. A vaginal yeast infection means that too many yeast cells are growing in the vagina.

If you have had a yeast infection before and can recognize the symptoms, and you aren't pregnant, you can treat yourself at home with medicines such as fuyan spill you can buy without a prescription. It will just take longer then if you went to the doctor, and it will be uncomfortable

Yeast infections are common during pregnancy. If you are pregnant, don't use medicine for a yeast infection without talking to your doctor first. Hope this can help you!


herby - November 30

Yeast is a fungus that normally lives in the vagina in small numbers. A vaginal yeast infection means that too many yeast cells are growing in the vagina.

If you have had a yeast infection before and can recognize the symptoms, and you aren't pregnant, you can treat yourself at home with medicines such as fuyan spill you can buy without a prescription. It will just take longer then if you went to the doctor, and it will be uncomfortable

Yeast infections are common during pregnancy. If you are pregnant, don't use medicine for a yeast infection without talking to your doctor first. Hope this can help you!



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