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Endometriosis is my nightmare
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hepee - January 6

Last year of doctor told me that I had it since I was little but it didn't start to grow until I started my menstrual period.. but I was going for my yearly physical check-up because I had been on the birth control patch for 1 year.

She did a vaginal examination on me and found out my uterus was bigger than it is supposed to be, so she did an ultrasound on my belly and couldn’t really see clearly on it, so she ordered an MRI. I went to get the MRI and they found out I had endometriosis sitting behind my uterus. I was so afraid because I didn't know how to take it at the time. I was 16 at the time and I didn't know what to expect from all this, so then she gave me a choice either to wait until I got out of school to get surgery or either go on home-bound and get it done.

I don’t want to do any surgery and I am so young, so I decided to take the TCM therapy (Fuyan Pill) for a try. After 4 treatment course, I found that all of the symptoms disappeared and I felt very good. I think I maybe the very lucky one to get cured from this disease. Thankful!



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