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6 Replies
jashmin - April 2

What is endometriosis? Is this some of the many infertility diseases? What are its causes? Much thanks for answering! God speed!


johannah - April 3

Yeah, as far as I know endometriosis is a some kind of infertility problem in women where in it is usually resulting to great pain and dysmenorrhea.


margarette - April 3

an endometriosis is a condition where the tissue that behaves like the cells lining the uterus will grow in some other areas of the body that causes pain, some irregular bleeding and the possibility of being infertile.


graciella - April 3

it is a painful disorder that grows outside the uterus and this most commonly involves in the ovaries, tissue lining your pelvis or bowel.


chona - April 4

Women who are suffering with endometriosis always feel pain during their monthly period and this is really a very serious condition that may lead to infertility problem.


nevic - April 8

I think it's an infertility disease with no said treatment.


Grizelle - April 11

Endometriosis is typically seen during the reproductive years; it has been estimated that endometriosis occurs in roughly 5-10% of women.[1] Symptoms may depend on the site of active endometriosis. Its main but not universal symptom is pelvic pain in various manifestations. Endometriosis is a common finding in women with infertility.



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