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Hormonal Imbalance
10 Replies
KarenFlory - February 27

There are many other causes of infertility, one of these is hormonal imbalance. The excess or lack of hormonal secretions involved in sexual reproduction can affect the hormonal functioning of the cells and other parts of the reproductive system.
Kindly share your knowledge about this topic.


mamerth - February 27

a chromosome test revealed a woman thought of herself as a real woman but it comes out that she is diagnosed a congenital syndrome which is androgen insensitivity-a disorder among women with the same xy chromosomes makeup as men. But androgen insensitivity makes them completely unable to respond to the male hormone testosterone. As a result, they have breast and vaginas. the uterus and ovaries are not developed and have testes concealed within the groin...


Felice - February 27

hormonal imbalance may not only affect your being infertile but also some other aspects of physical changes.


kelly thomas - March 1

A hormonal imbalance occurs as a reaction to the elevated level of estrogen and lowered level of progesterone within a woman's body.


Jinky55 - March 13

hormonal imbalance may affect the reproductive organ of a woman. it may cause pain to some but there are possibility to others to conceive.


ysah - March 14

Some people are predisposed to hormonal imbalances, but we should not also forget that lifestyles plays a very important role in determining body physiology. many activities associated with healthy living can help stave off hormonal imbalance.


dominique - March 17

This is my first time to know that hormonal imbalance causes infertility. It's for me hormonal imbalance is your body's natural healthy state.


bubbles - March 18

I think I better consult an expert just to know whether hormonal imbalance really causes infertility..I have to make sure before believing on something.


jinky - March 22

I think it does cause infertility issues if people with hormonal imbalance will not try to find solutions with their problem.


ysah - March 29

Is there a treatment for infertility problem that was caused by hormonal imbalance?


kylee - April 13

The hormonal health of any woman depends upon the delicate dance of progesterone and estrogen. Estrogen is meant to be the predominant hormone in the first half of the menstrual cycle and progesterone the predominant one in the second half. However, for most women in the industrialized world this is not the case.

The common causes of hormonal imbalance and estrogen dominance:

* The Pill
* HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy)
* Environmental poisons
* Non organic and estrogen pumped animal products
* Stress
* Cosmetics



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