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I Had some infections, now organ pain?
1 Replies
herby - December 2

Last week I was given antibiotics for both BV and a Uti. I've never had a serious infection before so being at the hospital over it startled me. It happens at random times, but lasts for a while and hurts enough to be concerning. Is it common for infections to spread if they're too bad? Or can some infections be caused by others? Should I get it checked out?


hepee - December 2

when you mickey mouse a "solution", you can expect more problems. do you really think the cause of the problem has been corrected, or did they just suppress the effects temporarily while causing new problems? see an hio method chiropractor and find out what your own body is capable of doing to restore health when full nerve communication is returned.

In most cases, UTIs can be treated successfully like diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill without causing kidney damage. UTIs caused by a kidney stone or (in men) an enlarged prostate gland can damage the kidneys if the problem is not corrected and the infection continues. UTIs in young children can may sometimes cause kidney damage if not treated promptly.



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