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Infertility Problem In Men
15 Replies
victory - March 12

Infertility is an issue most common to women. But what causes infertility problem in men?


melie - March 13

It is sad to say that a diabetic men is one cause of infertility. There are many causes of infertility of men... but I'm not so sure of those kind.


mocca baby - March 15

Having to practice a bad lifestyles is one that causes infertility problem in men.


heatherlyn - March 17

Men do have infertility issues also and one of the infertility issues faced by many men is being impotence..not capable of having a baby is the scariest thing any man could experience because it's like they are losing their self image and some considered themselves of no use.


jobelyn - March 17

Smoking and drinking is one of the best causes of infertility in men. that's why men should be very careful enough to just smoke and drink moderately.


leah - March 17

having bad vices like too much smoking and alcoholic beverages intake, the lack of healthy lifestyle is also a factor why men become infertile.


jhovan - March 19

Men doesn't know the bad effects of their habit until they have it. The infertility problems in men usually comes from bad habit and lifestyles that they are practicing since their young age and up. It's like getting up some bad consequences..and one of this is infertility issues and problems.


fionah jane - March 20

When it comes to infertility issues in men, most men can't handle the pain and the reality of having infertility, than most women do. That's why infertility is just common to women because men just keep it a secret and don't like to open their problems of infertility to others.


chona - March 23

There are lot of infertility causes in men and one is because of a certain vices or bad acts men are having.


margarette - March 30

Actually, male infertility problems has many causes..from hormonal imbalances, to physical problems, to psychological and behavioral problems.


cheska - April 1

Some male infertility is caused by mumps, which if a man have it, it will make him sterile.


fionah jane - April 1

Pardon me but according to a certain study, it is not the mumps that causes infertility to men but it is the infected semen.


rebecca - April 10

Maybe, if the guy has health problems. I think it would affect their fertility.


Sweetie - April 11

As far as I know infertility refers to the inability of humans to reproduce. There are several reasons behind the infertility of men. I know one of those is the male who has a low-sperm count, a male normally releases about 250 to 400 million sperm cells per ejaculation. When the sperm count is low, the chances of fertilization is also low.


Desiree - April 11

It is an issue to both women and men. Both of them have many causes. But as what you've asked in this forum ...Male infertility may cause by impotency. The penis of the man could not be able to erect.It could not be able to become large and hard.


bellagreen - November 24

Infertility in men is most often caused by:

Problems making sperm -- producing too few sperm or none at all
Problems with the sperm's ability to reach the egg and fertilize it -- abnormal sperm shape or structure prevent it from moving correctly
Sometimes a man is born with the problems that affect his sperm. Other times problems start later in life due to illness or injury. For example, cystic fibrosis often causes infertility in men.

Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is a good option to solve the infertility problem in men. It is used to treat male genital infections and inflammations, urinary conditions, including:
- prostatitis, BPH, prostate calcification
- orchitis
- epididymitis
- seminal vesiculitis
- azoospermia
- urinary tract infection
- cystitis: glandular cystitis ; Interstitial cystitis, etc
- chlamydia infection, mycoplasma hominis infection, ureaplasma urealyticum infection



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