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just need a community to share prob with.. :)
16 Replies
jelene - April 11

ooking for communities of women, moms, singles, preggys has been my outlet nowadays to splurge my stories and womanhood problems. last year i got pregnant but the problem is, it is an ectopic pregnancy and sadly of course it was an unsuccessful one. after the very traumatic experience, we never lose hope in trying again which made us frustrated because i never got pregnant again. now, i am so depressed and i am also scared to experience ectopic pregnancy.


leah - April 11

maybe you need some counselling to be able to over come your past experience.


guia - April 11

you did the right thing, seeking help or advice with other fellow moms and women about your situation. also don't forget to seek your family's support, it's more important to tell them how you feel so they can help you out.


shoria - April 12

oh the depressing moments of womanhood especially when you are an expectant mother and something odd happened.


cassie - April 12

yes counselling i guess will help you cover up your depressing moments.


Vera - April 12

You did the right thing. You need to let yourself belong to a community who share the same experience as you do. In a way, you can feel that you are not alone in such situation and somehow will give you strength you need to be able to move forward with life.


Grace - April 12

Having someone who listens and understands you ad your situation you are in definitely will lighten the burden. So get yourself involve and get a life with full of hope and enthusiasm.


Melanie - April 12

Life is easier if you are on the right companion.


shasha - April 12

don't ever lose hope just keep trying because while we're living, there's always hope.


layce - April 12

ectopic pregnancy is something that a mother would never want to experience but that doesn't mean you'll stop trying of getting pregnant.


sharen - April 12

your life doesn't stop there, think about how your husband would feel if you would only stop in trying.


alaine - April 13

i have been on that phase of my life before, although it is not ectopic pregnancy but i had a miscarriage pregnancy which i tried to over come for almost 2 yrs now.


berna - April 13

if you are afraid of experiencing the same that you had before, consult a doctor and ask on what to do to avoid any further incidents.


sharon - April 13

well it's never too late, just keep on trying and of course don't rush things, just wait for the perfect timing.


andreas - April 13

i haven't experienced it but women who had that kind of previous experience has this certain feeling of being incomplete. it's normal for us to feel that way because that was beyond our expectation but we need to be strong for ourselves and for our family.


Cassy - April 14

experiencing ectopic pregnancy is never easy as your self-esteem comes down and you will probably feel so depressed.


monique - April 14

No man is an island and no man can stand alone without asking help from the others. That's why, you did a very good job in seeking and asking some community support with regards to your problems and not keeping it to yourself. What you did could help you a lot to recover over bad experiences and with it, you will know that there are lots of people who are willing to help and really cares for you.



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