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Signs of Infertility
8 Replies
earth**210 - January 29

How will a person know that he or she is having infertility issues aside from not having a child for many years of trying, is there any other signs of infertility problem?


Jennifer123 - January 31

Menstrual cycle is not regular.This can be one of the signs of infertility.Experience no sensation during sexual acts, this can be true to some but to others may not.


Wynne - January 31

There are some signs that can easily distinguish as a sign of infertility. And for these case, you may ask the doctor of the exact medication to take.


monique - February 1

well, the obvious sign that a couple are having an infertility issues is when after a year of unprotected sex, they can't get pregnant.


joanne - February 3

Weight problems can also be a sign of infertility. Some women who are very thin can have a problem of conceiving because they lack proper nutrients. People also that are too fat sometimes suffer from a hormonal problems that's why it's also very hard for them to get pregnant.


jannet30 - April 9

if your periods are irregular, you should definitely let your doctor know. This information may help your doctor make a diagnosis of infertility.


geraldine - April 10

if a woman can't conceive or cant give birth, it means she is having infertility problems..


margarette - April 10

Having irregular monthly periods and frequent dysmenorrhea are one of the many signs of infertility.


Teneth - April 10

Sickness can also makes one to have an infertility problem. There are medications which can affect the activity of the reproductive organ.



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