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stepmom. . .
4 Replies
Violet - August 1

i am a happily married woman for seven years. but we have no kids of our own. my husband has a love child, and she's 12 years old now. we have a very harmonious relationship not until she came to ask about having a brother or sister. i feel a bit worried because i am also feeling now the need to have a child of my own. bothered, i just don't know what to do and deal with my infertility issue.


Bey - August 4

i would like to say you are such a great woman! you are already a mother by heart! :)


sola - August 4

cheer up! maybe the first thing you need to do is to address your fertility issue.


cheeky - August 4

it's about time to ttc. tell your partner about it and you both can discuss to prepare your self.


amale - September 11

it's not a big issue. have yourself checked out and ask for possible treatment. it helps!



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