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horrible migraines
6 Replies
leana - September 8

Horrible migraines while on permimenopause stage =(


Lilac - September 8

ugh, that is really horrible though. migraines may even worsen during menopause.


joyce - September 9

that was my main rant before, i had hard time dealing with migraines and it affects my daily life.


lynda - September 10

migraine attacks seem to get worse in the years before and during the course of menopause. it increases by 50-60% when women go through perimenopause and menopausal period.


charlise - September 10

it usually happens when there are changes in hormones and hormonal levels like during menstrual periods, pregnancy and yes, permimenopause.


jeia - September 11

take note of this factors that triggers migraines during your menopause: lack of sleep, bright or flashing lights, skipping meals, strong smells and stress - avoid them.


SALLY - September 11

you may need to take HRT that suits you with the right dosage which can also help with your peri-menopause migraine.



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