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Avoided Activities
21 Replies
mah uzz - March 12

What are the activities a pregnant woman needs to avoid during her pregnancy? Please answer..thanks!


lovely mae - March 13

A pregnant woman must avoid herself with so much extraneous way of exercising. Exercise is good for pregnant women to perform but they must also remember that only the light way of exercise is totally good and is advisable.


jobelyn - March 13

I do agree with lovely mae. As pregnant woman, she also needs to avoid those activities that would put her at risks of falling. This includes things like having to perform a horse back riding, surfing, water skiing, gymnastics and aerobics.


RudyLee - March 13

There are so many activities that must be avoided. Like lifting heavy objects, this must be avoided. But the most important thing that may be avoided most is to skip meal. Eat regularly and be watchful of a healthy lifestyle.


kelly thomas - March 15

I think , what is the best thing that needs to be avoided during pregnancy, is having to engaged in a sexual activity!


crystal clear - March 15

Pregnant mother should avoid all kinds of amusement park's always a no no since the forceful landing or a sudden start or stop could harm your baby.


CLAIRE - March 16

you should also avoid soaking in hot tubs and jacuzzis or sitting in a sauna can be dangerous to your developing baby because overheating has been linked to birth defects.


elna - March 16

avoid running, just walk if you really want to exercise.just do everything in moderation.


catherine - March 16

Pregnant women should avoid ctivities that require extensive jumping, hopping, skipping, bouncing, or running.


chona - March 17

It's really a good thing to avoid all those extreme exercises during pregnancy because it can cause pregnancy miscarriage.


Karina - March 18

Pregnant woman should avoid drinking colas and coffee.


Sarah M. - March 18

A woman who is pregnant should also avoid feeling stress cause that would affect the baby in her womb.


Marissa - March 18

One activity I can think of for pregnant women to avoid is doing the gymnastics as it increases the chance of trauma to your abdomen.


Angelica - March 18

All activities which are strenuous. Like skiing and scuba diving.


Michaela - March 18

If you are into horse riding, better to avoid it during your pregnancy. Because no matter how good rider you are, we can not set aside the possibility of you falling down while horse riding.


Sheena - March 18

Hi there. Avoid doing exercises that require a lot of balance or have a risk of falling, which may cause abdominal trauma, like the horseback riding, skiing, skating and contact sports.

Be safe always.


Gina G - March 18

Light weight lifting is safe during pregnancy but heavy weight lifting that requires you to disrupt your breathing is not safe for your baby. So you must avoid activities that disrupt your breathing as it interrupts oxygen flow to your baby.



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