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Avoiding Excess Weight During Pregnancy
17 Replies
rhoda marie - March 28

Hello, I want to have some tips on how I can avoid the excess weight gain during pregnancy?


geraldine - March 29

It's so easy to avoid having excess weight during pregnancy, just have a regular exercise and always avoid over eating.


madz_amor - March 29

avoid eating fatty and sweet foods.always watch your diet.


charisse - March 29

Eat the healthy way!!!Eat lots of fruit and vegetables with lean meat or fish.This can really help avoid gaining weight.


Coney - March 29

Whether you like it or not, pregnancy weight gain is inevitable. Your baby's growth and development depend on it. But eating for two isn't a license to eat double your normal amount of food. Use healthy lifestyle habits to control your pregnancy weight gain.


Farrah - March 29

To avoid an excess weight during pregnancy, is to eat the right kind of food needed of our body.Avoid eating sweet foods but eat plenty of vegetables and fruits.


Dianne - March 30

Guys, when planning to go on a diet, pregnant mothers should first consult their doctors. Diet and exercise plans should only be done with a doctor’s supervision.


jamaica - March 30

One way to avoid gaining excess weight is to construct a diet plan. But diet plans should be nutritious and devoid of unhealthy foods like those that have high caffeine content, spice, fatty foods, alcohols, and those that have high levels of mercury.


Pia - March 30

Excessive" weight gain is not necessarily harmful for either you or your baby, but makes postpartum weight loss more difficult. Just try to relax, avoid large meals, nibble on anything healthful and start an exercise program.


MaeDee - March 30

Always the problem of pregnant woman is in gaining weight. It is because of the vitamins that are given by doctors. It is needed to be taken so the pregnant woman can hold the baby in her womb easily.


Honestly - March 30

It is better that you have to do simple exercise and take fruits and vegetables.


Yhen2x - April 1

It is better!. It is good to eat the right kind of food. And have a healthy lifestyle. BEcause it is not good to gain weight during pregnancy.


Riezlle - April 2

Do some brisk walk everyday. Eat the right kind of food mostly fruits and vegetables. You can eat small amount of carbohydrates focus on cereal. You would not gain so much of these kind of food.


Gevie - April 3

Pregnant woman must be aware that excess weight during pregnancy can put herself in a risky situation. So in order not to gain weight, she must controls to take extra amount of carbohydrates.


Loyale - April 3

Be watchful enough of the food you intake. It is true that if the pregnant woman gains excess weight she may encounter hardship in labor.


Merlie - April 3

Don't gain weight. if you are overweight then shed few pounds. it is much better to have a normal weight. You might put yourself in the hazardous situation upon delivery if you have an excess weight.


Connie - April 9

It is better not to gain so much weight during pregnancy, for this only leads you to a hardship in delivering a baby. Consider the advice of your doctor and follow those advices religiously.



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