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Caesarean not only option for breech babies
8 Replies
Feliz - February 16

With a transverse lie a c-section is the only option for a safe healthy delivery for mother and baby. any thoughts?


Solstice - February 16

Actually, a friend of mine had a breech baby. Caesarean was the only option but after she attended for Cranial Sacral therapy, the baby moved into the correct position and the need for a caesarian was eliminated.


June - February 16

C-section is basically the safest way to deliver a breech baby. I have no clue if there really is another option for this. Babies move on their own and it's hard to predict if the baby will stay in the normal position upon delivery.


Trilby - February 16

When I was pregnant with my first born, he was in a normal fetal position until 8 months when he suddenly shifted. My OBGYNE taught me an exercise to let the baby shift back to the desired position. I did the exercise for 2 weeks and indeed the back shifted back. However, it changed during the day of my delivery. When my cervix was opened at 4cm, my baby suddenly shifted to a breech position and a c-section had to be done. It was very unexpected.


Linden - February 16

From what I know a C-section is really the safest way to deliver breech babies. However, If the baby has not turned by the 39 week. Another option is the external cephalic version. It is practiced by doctors and best done in hospitals. The success of this technique depends on the experience and skill of the practitioner. There is a slight risk of cord entanglement or placenta separation from the baby. That's why this procedure is applied in hospitals, where emergency cesarean can be performed.


katherine - February 18

Yes, that's the only option I guess because I had delivered two boys at c-section for the reason that both of them are breech and it's the only solution my doctor told me to have a healthy delivery.


mildred - February 19

My baby's friend was also declared breech during a certain ultra sound and she was already told to prepare for a caesarean operation. But, luckily enough for her, with unexplained reason, during her delivery she was able to deliver the baby normally and without any trouble at all.


Brown - April 13

Since that would be the only option available, then yes. It's for the good of the mother and the baby.


brenda - April 13

f a vaginal delivery is attempted, electronic fetal monitoring will be used to monitor the baby's heartbeat throughout labor. A cesarean delivery may be considered if there are any signs that the baby may be in distress.



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