My friend told me that before I give birth with my baby, I need to ask the doctor to fix the position of my baby in the womb so that I can be sure to have a normal delivery. But I don't think it's possible. Is there a certain doctor that will fix the position of the baby in the womb?
baby position is very important in the womb and this is called presentation which can eventually influence your birth plans. i am not sure if that is a must but you will always know the positioning of your baby inside the womb when you are getting regular prenatal check-ups.
when i was pregnant, i had two prenatals, from the ob-gyne and from the's the midwife that was doing the massage to fix the position of the baby.i haven't heard the doctor telling me about the positioning.
terry, don't just rely on midwives unless she is a skilled midwife especially if you are delivering a breech baby.You have to have a strong obstetric back up...
yeah, I's not good to fix the baby's position in the womb. A professional doctor won't perform it. I think, it's the quack doctor who have always the guts to do it without even thinking the danger that it may cause to the baby.
YEs, the ob-gyne can do that, but fixing the baby's position is not guarantee that the baby won't no longer turn another position or do the same position as usual in his/her former position.
Fixing the baby's position in the womb is putting the baby's life into great, if you are concerned mother, don't bother letting the doctor fix your baby's's knows best and if she told you there's nothing to worry..then believe it.
In fixing the position of the baby inside the womb, is not a sole work of the doctor, it is also depend upon the ability of the reproductive organ of the pregnant woman.
Why do you need to fix the baby's position? Is there a problem with the positions of baby in the womb..i think each fetus have the same position in the womb, am I right?
Trying to fix the position of the baby is applicable only if when you see the result from the ultrasound that the baby is possible a breech baby. That all I know.
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