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fractured vagina
13 Replies
jellie beans - March 22

I'm already 6 months pregnant. There are times that when I sitting crossed legged for a long period of hours, when I got up I could hardly walk and I feel that I fractured my vagina. Why is this so? Is it because of the way I sit or is just that everything is loosening up?


samantha faye - March 22

for pregnant woman, it's really not good to sit with your leg cross, without changing your position for a very long period of hour. I experience it too during my pregnancy when I sit like the way you do. I feel like my tailbone and vagina area always hurt.


mina - March 22

pregnant women especially in their end of 2nd and 3rd trimester are not advisable to always sit down especially in crossed leg. you may need to take some short walks for exercise and this is not only good for your health but also for the baby's too.


geraldine - March 23

Yeah, having to sit down in long period of hours during the late stages of pregnancy should be avoided by any pregnant women because you will really experience a feeling that it seems you have fractured your vagina.


heatherlyn - March 24

I also experience this when I had lots of computer works, and I sits in a v long period of's kind of painful when I stand. I think this is because we pregnant women increase more our weight when we are already in our later stages of pregnancy.


jolly kate - March 25

Upon reading the title of your concern issue of pregnancy, I was thinking it's the other thing around. Like you indeed fractured your vagina because of a certain accident, but I was wrong. Anyways, the next time, you sit down, choose the position that you are comfortable enough so that something like feeling like you have fractured your vagina will be avoided.


Lezzander - March 26

It was also my thought after I've read the title, but it is in the other way of idea. Well, I think you have to be conscious the way of how you seat. But be careful in dooing some changes in your position.


trixy - March 28

I have experienced it too and it's so painful at first..that's why I try to be careful enough on how I sit and I make sure that when I sit, I change my position from time to time.


toshibaX - April 6

Thanks to all! I learned a lot! :)


Cybil - April 6

I have not experienced that kind of feeling. I only these pain in my legs when I sit with legs crossed. But to avoid feeling like your vagina os fractured, always sit properly and feet rested flatly on the ground.


Leilane - April 6

Can you still managed to have your legs crossed while sitting at 6 months pregnant?


Ursula - April 7

There are other women who can still manage to sit with their legs cross at six months because their stomach is not as huge as the others..probably, they have not gain much weight.


perlyn - April 8

Lucky for those women who have not gain much weight and still managed to have sit with their legs cross on the sixth month. But hey, just a simple advice, even if your tummy is not as huge as the others, it's still wrong to habitually sit with your legs cross during pregnancy. Baby's position will be affected and others said that it will result in a CS delivery.


Chona - April 9

I would like to advice you not to sit the way as if there is no baby in your tummy, better to think the goodness of the baby not only for your own comfort.



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