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getting tired and pregnant
26 Replies
karen - April 11

hi, i am just concern now with my condition. i am at my late 30s, 4 weeks pregnant and i am getting a lot of health problems w/c i worried enough if this will affect my baby's developmental stage. i am working at the same time and this made me so stressed everyday.


lyka - April 11

getting pregnant is really tiring and enjoyable at the same time. but with later than 30s is much more tired i guess.


angeline - April 11

you will still all that sickness with your first trimester and don't worry much.


carole - April 11

yes first trimester is pretty much challenging but if you feel like the feeling of sickness is too much, consult your doctor.


tiffanie - April 11

i believe that the older you are to get pregnant, the more susceptible you are with sickness and illnesses. i don't know much about it, i got pregnant at 36 and the only worst i experienced is nausea almost every morning.


GABE - April 11

believe me, it's normal for the first or even at the early second trimester. you need to keep yourself pre-occupied and do not think of it too much.


tonia - April 11

it may consider a bit, but just a bit too late but the age is still at good range.


rocia - April 12

pregnancy can come at any age while you are still in your active menstrual cycle every month. the only difference is that when you get pregnant at your later years, it's more a bit of complicated.


tanya - April 12

financial wise, getting ready with your financial status is one reason why some mothers would prefer to prepare the future first rather than trying to conceive.


aurora - April 12

i guess it depends with how healthy you are. you could always try to feel your senses if you can still and able to manage conceiving.


beverly - April 12

there are so many cases of moms pregnant on their first trimester and had miscarriage. you can actually ask for a leave just to eventually adjust yourself from all the sickness you are feeling.


sheba - April 12

At your age, you should take extra caution because you also have health problems. Being a working pregnant is also a stressful thing, so, don't be overworked and always take a rest.


Olive - April 12

Take some energy booster vitamins to keep you going for the rest of the day.


Elizabeth B. - April 12

that's right, preventing any further incidents we would never want to happen to us while we're pregnant.


xena_ver - April 12

a woman's fertility will somehow goes to free fall... for women in their 30s, it is advisable to not wait too long to get pregnant.


jasmine - April 12

by the way, is this your first child? it could be a bit of tiring for your first experience since you don't expect any further feelings of being pregnant.


bea - April 12

miscarriage is common to women who gets pregnant in their 30s or 40s... just be cautious and take care of yourself... see the doctor often times.



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