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multiple pregnancy
19 Replies
finah - April 13

what are the consequences and risks of having a multiple pregnancy?


maTilda - April 13

your babies may be a bit smaller than a normal pregnancy is.


ginger - April 13

yes, the babies are a bit smaller since they share a mother nutrition.


charisse - April 13

they said that a multiple pregnancy is high at risk.


dalia - April 14

you just need to understand the potential complications and risks should be consider.


alexis - April 14

a mother who's having multiple pregnancy should prepare herself emotionally and physically.


MARY ANN - April 14

Having multiple pregnancy threatens the life of the mother and also it gives a higher risk of her health.


veronica - April 14

Multiple pregnancy increases the risk for complications. More frequent visits may help detect complications early enough for effective treatment or management. The mother's nutritional status and weight should also be monitored more closely.


Sally - April 14

Preterm labor is the biggest risk associated with multiple birth, and worst, this may lead to PREMATURE BIRTH.


nonette - April 14

Aside from risks of mother's health, this can also be a financial problem because mother has to go for several ultrasounds, check ups and she has different nutritional needs compared to just carrying a single baby.


Micah - April 14

If you are having a multiple pregnancy, expect that you will feel EXTREME FATIGUE due to the bigger size of your abdomen and the movement of more babies inside your womb that can cause the inability of having a good night's sleep.


sharie - April 14

you may want to know your family's history about having multiple pregnancy. you may have a history of multiple births.


faith - April 14

they say that women of african descent can most likely to have multiple pregnancies.


Mandy - April 14

there are also instances where if you had previous infertility treatment.


Angelic13 - April 14

older women getting pregnant is also at risk of having multiple births.


casey - April 14

being pregnant with more than one baby may lead you to develop problem of getting high blood pressure.


sheri - April 14

yes, that's right and some can also have diabetes that occur while you are pregnant.



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