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pregnant and DIABETIC.
14 Replies
marsha - March 1

been married for almost 6 years and i will be having my baby soon after july. we never had the chance to plan for a baby earlier with our married life because i know that i am diabetic and afraid the baby would come off unhealthy. what will i do, i am happy to have our baby but at the same time so scared with my condititon.


gladys - March 1

i am not sure about it but heard that you have nothing to worry about it if you have diabetes and pregnant but just take care of some safety precautions.


bernalice - March 1

just think that while having diabetes and pregnant you need to establish a normal and stable level at all times.


layce - March 1

they said that when you are diabetic and pregnant, be sure to take care more of yourself when you are still on your first trimester because miscarriage are more frequent at this times.


raddah - March 1

pretty much manage your glucose level and consult doctor's advice.


grizelda - March 1

by the way what type of diabetes do you have? you should know that so you can learn more how to take care of yourself.


cynthia - March 1

watch closely to your diet, the foods that you eat plays a big part of your health.


glorie - March 1

If you are a diabetic person you can ask advice from the doctor so that you shall be given medication appropriate to your condition.


SG_bubbly - March 1

being diabetic can affect your baby if your blood glucose levels become so high and you may experienced worsen diabetes complications like heart disease and kidney disease.


shayne_low - March 1

the risk of losing your baby can be possible too like miscarriage or stillbirth.


hariona - March 1

the best thing to prepare this kind of situation is to make some plans on what to do before you get pregnant. if you are already pregnant the seek your health care provider right away.


lauren - March 1

regular checkups is very important like blood pressure, the average glucose level and some others.


Richell - March 1

you should also quit vices especially when you are smoking, quit immediately.


JENNY - March 1

health is compromised not only yours but also your baby's. keep in touch with your dietician and plan your meal so you can watch out the foods you eat.


Rhiza C. - April 10

I suggest you eat healthy foods and have exercise. Ask your doctor on whats the best vitamins or supplements for you.



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