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Pregnant moms please avoid eating following stuff
10 Replies
Tawny - February 18

-Raw meat such as sushi, seafood, rare or uncooked beef, or poultry because of the risk of contamination with coliform bacteria, toxoplasmosis, and salmonella.
-Raw eggs, or foods containing raw egg such as Caesar dressing, mayonnaise, homemade ice cream or custard, unpasteurized eggnog, or Hollandaise sauce because raw eggs may be contaminated with salmonella.
-Soft cheese such as blue cheese, feta, Brie, Camambert, and Latin-American soft white cheeses such as queso blanco and queso fresco because they may harbor harmful bacteria.
-Fish containing accumulated levels of mercury in their fatty tissues such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish. When a pregnant woman consumes large amounts of mercury, her baby may suffer brain damage resulting in developmental delays (for example, delays in learning to walk or talk).


Azura - February 18

Thank you for posting this! I never knew about the mayonnaise though, and ate it quite often in my pregnancy because I could never get enough of deli sandwiches from a local deli. They were too delicious! I knew about the other stuff. I love seafood, and was content with sticking to salmon and shrimp if I needed the seafood fix.


Zuri - February 18

I don't think commercial mayonnaise is made with raw egg. If it is, it's pasteurized so it wouldn't be an issue. Most of the soft cheeses in the US are pasteurized as well, another non-issue as long as you read the labels.

And homemade ice cream? I make homemade ice cream all the time and I've never used raw egg. Even the recipes that call for eggs have them cooked on the stove top.


Basia - February 18

Azura, you're not supposed to eat deli meats either! lol I wouldn't have thought of mayo. I never worried much about raw eggs, I've been eating tons in cookie dough and other foods my entire life and have never gotten sick.

I wonder if fetas still bad if its cooked... I eat it on pizza a lot. I would think the heat would kill the bacteria.


Danika - February 18

I recently read that too much soy interferes with you and your babies ability to absorb calcium, so it should also be limited during pregnancy.


sashy_009 - February 19

I have read also that too much eating of fish with lots of mercury in it is really not good during pregnancy. So pregnant ladies, kindly limit your fish intake okey.


devine grace - February 19

Pregnant mothers should also avoid drinking too much coffee. this kind of drinks could really lead to physical abnormalities or worst, miscarriage.


Miah - April 9

Thanks for the tips Tawny. I appreciate it a lot. I'll put this on my reminders so that i would avoid to eat those food.


ysah - April 10

Avoid eating taboo foods during pregnancy because it sure to give bad effects to the baby.


Jackie - April 10

Yes, when a woman is pregnant, she must be aware that some food are not good to be eaten. Thanks, Tawny for the reminders.


Honey - April 11

Yes, it is a fact that pregnant woman should be aware of the food which are not acceptable to their situation. AS what are shared to us by Tawny, those are the foods that must be given extra careful to intake.



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