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What do you snack?
10 Replies
Azura - February 15

I'm looking for snack ideas. Sounds like I'm always super hungry an hour after eating. So I take a fruit but it doesn't seem to work very well.

So, What do you have for snack that is healthy (as much as possible) and that keeps your tummy from starving.


Ynes - February 15

Mini baby bell cheeses are WONDERFUL and Wheat thins is one of my favorites too! Grapes and Carrot sticks (but I like mine with ranch)

I'm a huge carb person so most of my snacks aren't very good for you. hehe


Winona - February 15

Mmmm, snacks. Super-thin slices of gypsy salami that melt on my tongue. Rice cakes, crunchy veggies, and fruit. Sometimes I think dairy is the most satisfying thing of all though... a glass of milk or a big chunk of cheese or a dish of frozen yogurt are some of my faves.


Keshia - February 15

"Trail mix" for me. I usually get the one with more fruit and stuff in it.
Nuts in general are really good for keeping you full and running for longer because of the protein. They're higher in fat, but it's the good kind of fat, especially in walnuts and almonds, which have TONS of health benefits. Okay, maybe not tons, but they're still really good for you.


Siena - February 15

The best for me is Yogurt.
Bananas - seem to be able to fill me up better than any other fruit.
Nuts, Raisins/dried apricots, Glass of milk/hot cocoa, Croissants, Baby carrots.

Those are my snacks.


clavel - February 16

when i was pregnant, i used to eat sweet corn, wheat bread and sweet potatoes...these foods can really satisfy your hunger and gives you more energy...these are also good for your body.


precy33 - February 16

Don't just eat fruits coz fruits are acidic and can make you easily feel hungry.You can also add bread, boiled egg, mashed potato, banana que, or a small handful of natural almond.Just see to it, that what you eat are also healthy foods.


Arceli - February 16

Protein is a great choice for a snack because it is the building block for every cell. It also helps many moms when they are feeling fatigued or even nauseated. Some moms go for fiber to help decrease some of the more common but uncomfortable symptoms of pregnancy like constipation.CRACKERS and CHEESE is a great to get some protein and fiber.ALMONDS or PECANS are also great protein powerhouses.HARD BOILED EGGS can be an easy way to increase your protein..These are just simple, affordable and healthy suggestions and can be easily found.


juliet@72 - February 16

try tuna sandwich and slices of apple or raisin bread with a piece of banana. i'm sure you will love it.this is also healthy because it is a source of fiber, protein and vit. c.


myrnz - February 16

the best for me is fruits and vegetables and plenty of water. don't drink soft drinks. have a minimal rice.


jessica - April 14

Fresh fruit. Every morning you could grab an extra piece of fruit for your desk. An apple, banana or orange requires very little thought or preparation. I am fond of the mandarin oranges. Now you can find fruit cups almost every where in the grab and go sections of stores.



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