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Worried about Miscarriage
7 Replies
Feliz - February 10

Almost 5 weeks pregnant with our 4th attempt at a baby this year (previous 12 months) and I just started bleeding. (Not the kind of bleeding that can be anything other than a miscarriage. The heavy cramping kind that feels like death) Every time I get to that mysterious 5-7 week mark everything falls out!

The fertility doctor doesn't view this as a problem because we have no problems getting pregnant, we just can't seem to keep one in my belly long enough to become anything other than a depressing, bloody mess.

And to make matters more exciting, this is the first pregnancy that I have felt tired and actually pregnant. So hurray! Here's to another 2 weeks of misery.

Sorry, I just want to scream (but am at work so I can't do much other than bang on my keyboard and feel sorry for myself)


Solstice - February 10

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I would really recommend asking for some tests. My cousin just went through her fourth miscarriage in her life, and they want to run tests. She doesn't have much of a hard time getting pregnant either.


Marigold - February 10

keep up with the progesterone supplements the next time you get pregnant. Not every pregnancy is meant to go to term and this may have been one of those - the next one might be the keeper and the progesterone will help. I hope that makes sense.


Velvet - February 10

I am so sorry to hear about your loss It's the worst thing ever to go through, I've had quite a few and the pain doesn't get any easier either, neither does the recovery if I'm honest but hopefully you manage to sort things. Good luck


Marie-Soleil - February 10

You might not want to hear this but, maybe it would be best for you to wait another year and then try again? Give your body a good amount of time to recover from all the failed attempts.


linethQ. - February 11

Maybe it's not the time yet.GOD has always a reason for everything.Yes, it's very disappointing but HE knows what's best for you.Just pray and try and try.


joanne - February 15

I think you need to go to some specialist that's really good enough to help you go through your tough time. Miscarriage is such a worst experience every pregnant woman doesn't want to experience. But don't lose hope, ask God's help and I know he will really grant your longing.


sachi - September 9

there might be something wrong with your uterus. visit your gynae to check all the possibilities that leads your pregnancy to miscarriage.



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