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am i too old?
5 Replies
cheska - August 8

i am turning 58 years old next week and i am still sexually active. am i too old to worry about safe sex?


viola - August 15

there is no such thing as too old or too young when it comes to std infection as it can affect an individual regarding of the's still best to have protected sex if you are concern with your health.


rizalei12 - August 17

STD's has no age limit.. 2 ways to avoid std is to abstain sex or have sex to only one partner which is uninfected.


lalaine - August 19

sex is okay as long as you limit your number of sex partner to only 1. if you consider doing it with someone else, both of you should first be tested to avoid having problems soon.


Mel - September 7

if you're a sexually active senior, talk to your doctor about ways to prevent std. remember, you are never too old to be at risk.


amale - September 10

whether you are young adult, adult or even senior, for as long as you are sexually active, doesn't give you the exemption from having std. keep safe everyone!



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