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std from pool
2 Replies
kent - August 26

i had unprotected sex with a girl i just met in a pool party. we're both drunk and lose our self control. and yes, we had sex in the pool. it was quickly though. the thing is, i don't know her at all and i couldn't hardly remember her name. am i in risk of having std? i was thinking that if we had sex in the pool, everything will be flush out.. so i don't know.. i am worried.. i have a steady girlfriend and i'm afraid if i have std i might infect her too.. please advice..


chai - September 7

water containing chlorine can act as spermicide. therefore, it is unlikely for you to get std. but still it's best to have yourself checked out just to make sure you're okay.


rizalei12 - September 10

you should have used condom for extra protection because what i know is that chlorinated or even salty water does not have the ability to kill bacteria especially std.



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