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caffeine intake??
4 Replies
chynna - August 3

i was advised to give up caffeine and alcohol intake to improve my fertility. not sure if this is believable. my mom drinks a lot of coffee and is a smoker ever since but she doesn't have any prob with fertility way back when she got married.


cheeky - August 4

i don't think it is really harmful for you. anything that is too much can impair a woman's fertility but it doesn't mean you have to stop consuming caffeine.


Ida - August 4

according to a study, caffeine and alcohol consumption may decrease fertility rate by nearly 60%.


zera - August 4

it might affect fertility but if you would only consume caffeine in moderation i guess it's not really harmful.


bella - September 11

doesn't make sense for me. i used to consume 6-8 cups of coffee and a pack of cigarette a day. but haven't got any fertility issues. in fact, i have 4 kids and they are all grown up now.



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