Help, can i have another uti infection, so annoying?
1 Replies
november 18th i was put on cipro for a uti for three days twice a day, i took it all and today is nov. 30th and i feel symptoms of another uti coming on, what do i do???
Women who get UTIs three or more times a year should speak to their doctor. The doctor may order special tests (see previous question) and recommend one of the following dosages of an antibiotic:
Take low doses for six months or more
Take a single dose after having sex
Take for one or two days when symptoms of a UTI occur.
If antibiotics doesn't work, you can try diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill.If the infection spreads to the kidneys and becomes more severe, it may result in pain in the lower back as well as fever, chills, nausea and vomiting. See your doctor immediately if you have any of these symptoms.