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infertility treatment
4 Replies
olga - August 2

Should I involve my hubby for infertility treatment?


sachi - August 4

Are you suspecting your DH is having an infertility issue? if so, then maybe yes.


levie - August 4

there's a possibility that maybe one of you has problem of being infertile. you may go together for a checkup.


hazel - August 4

nothing seems wrong about dragging your husband to fertility test.


antonella - November 23

Infertility could be caused by many reasons, to find out the suitable treatment for you, you should figure out the exact cause of your infertility.

For women, the most common causes of infertility are tubal blockage, hydrosalpinx, PID, endometriosis, adenomyosis, and so on. You should first of all, to do some relative tests to confirm it.

If your situation is really caused by tubal blockage, hydrosalpinx, PID, endometriosis, adenomyosis, but don't worry, they are curable. Herbal supplement "fuyan pill" has been proven effective on curing these diseases. And it has shown amazing effects on repairing women's reproductive organs.

If you still want to know more optional treatments for your situation, professional online doctors, such as Dr Lee XiaoPing could help you.

Good luck.



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