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Insidious Villain
7 Replies
chiely - February 16

the excess fat in our food intake is being singled out as the most damaging component of a diet. that deadly - high-fat- can build -up within our body many diseases and it is already include from the list the INFERTILITY.


love44 - February 17

it is needed to be alert of what you are going to eat, who knows the food you eat is the most dangerous killer of our body and how can we depend our selves when our enemy is inside our own body.


ysah - February 18

That's right! Our body is a temple to God that we should need to protect..because we only have one life and one body..if this body of ours will be destroyed, we will die.


Gayee - February 19

We should watch our diet.We are responsible for our body and our health.So, if possible we should avoid foods that are fatty because this is the main reason for many diseases.


sashy_009 - February 19

It's really good that we should always watch what we eat..nowadays it's really not good to get sick. that's why, being so watchful of our diet is not just for beauty or slimming purposes but most of all for health reason.


monique - February 19

Yes, being healthy is really what's in these days. Plus, if you want to take care of your infertility, do a good start today. Have a healthy diet, exercise and always maintain a healthy lifestyles.


xena_ver - April 10

We really need to be careful on the foods we intake during pregnancy. To avoid illnesses that would harm you and your baby.


kelly thomas - April 10

Problem is, it's hard to avoid eating much during pregnancy. It seems all foods, looks so yummy!



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