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Troubled Mother
12 Replies
BrendaLee - January 31

I am pregnant for four months now but I am so worried because it so happened that before I know that I was pregnant, I take a medication for my stomachache with antibiotic. Can there be a possibility that my child will have a physical defects? What must I do?


Homerz - February 1

I'm not so sure but in my mind there's a possibility! But don't think negative. Have a positive outlook in your situation. How about refer all these things to the doctor so that you can have a peace of mind.


kelly thomas - February 2

You need to have a prenatal check-up to a doctor to know what's the condition of your child and have an ultrasound and to know about the baby's physical appearance.


Cynthia@zean - February 7

There are medication that can not harm the fetus. It can give medication only but to be sure just see a doctor.


rheamae - February 8

Well, let's just hope and pray that nothing of it would happened to your baby. But next time, don't just immediately use or take any medication, since you are pregnant. Only those that are prescribed by the doctors.


Cenas - February 19

i think, it depends on the antibiotic that you are taking. There are also antibiotics that are safe to use during pregnancy but it's really important that you have to refer this to your doctor.


jobelyn - February 21

You need to consult this to a doctor and have an immediate tests as soon as possible.


sandraKim - February 23

there's a possibility but there's a chance also that nothing would happen. we must lift all our anxiety to the Lord.


Gelle75 - February 25

don't think that there's something bad might happened to your child. just stay calm then seek an advice from a physician. have a positive thinking, blaming yourselves can not give good effect to your conception.


nelsha - February 25

there are medications which can not give bad effects to the fetus. Only the gynecologist, can give deeper knowledge of this issue. Be careful of all your decisions.


boisher - February 27

not all babies can immediately be miscarriage, it depends upon the capability of the woman bearing it. with the help of the expert doctor miscarriage may not happened, but then be strong to face if there might defects of your child.


Althea - April 11

Have you heard of newborn screening. You have to let your baby undergo that newborn screening. Your child could be special.


Juliet - April 11

there is possibility of your worries, to think that antibiotic is so strong it can be able to melt some of the body parts of the baby. but there is also a possibility that nothing would happen to the baby. Praise God!!!



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