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No weight gain yet
9 Replies
Nadja - February 10

My friend is 16 weeks pregnant but hasn't gained any weight yet. She is just under 5" tall and was 40kg before pregnancy and is 39.5kg now. Her tummy is growing a bit, but she's a bit leaner now. She had bad nausea for the first several weeks, then it went away, but it's back again now and she has started throwing up. Mostly just retching and not losing much food, but the nausea is making it hard for her to have much food. It's our main mission at the moment to up the calories. I'm a bit worried about the lack of weight gain at this point, but I'm hoping her appetite increases and nausea decreases over the next weeks. Anyone else in the same boat?


Valora - February 10

I'm in the same boat but not as far along. I'm at 10 weeks and suffering terrible nausea/vomiting still (but less frequent than a month ago). Dropped 6 pounds (2.7kgs) as soon as I hit 5 weeks and I've almost gained it all back. My doctor prescribed me Reglan and that's how I began to gain back the weight and keep down a meal or two a day.

When I went to the doctor two days ago, I was told to stop with my prenatal vitamins until I the nausea passed. The nutrients I was getting from the vitamins weren't as good as the nutrients/calories I'm missing from not being able to retain food. They're concerned about the lack of weight gain but not worried. Obviously I would ask her doctor before stopping the prenatal vitamins, if she's taking that. Today and yesterday I've kept down breakfast and dinner. Lunch ended up in the toilet. I honestly don't think it matters if I'm taking vitamins or not. If I'm still throwing up in a week, I'll start myself back on them.


Aisha - February 10

My doctor told me that losing weight early on is very common. Every visit I went to I had dropped a pound or two, but he assured me I was fine. At about 15 weeks is when my nausea had passed, thankfully, and I'm slowly putting on a little weight. (Now 18 weeks along)


Chandra - February 10

I had the same experience on the first several weeks of my pregnancy. I lost about 2 kilos from my normal weight. I didn't have nausea or vomiting, so I have no clue why I lost a lot of weight. I didn't bother to ask my OBGYNE about it, because I thought I was just tired. I started gaining weight on my third month.


Surie - February 10

You don't have to worry about it. It's normal to loose a few pounds on the first weeks pregnancy. One the first trimester passes, the nausea and vomiting will stop as well. That's the time when she will start to gain weight and eat better without having to throw up her meals.


kelly thomas - February 11

There's nothing to worry about losing weight during pregnancy, as long as you do good practices like doing healthy lifestyles during pregnancy. My cousin, during her pregnancy was not gaining weight also but, her baby came out healthy and active.


Pretty - April 13

To early to conclude. I know she'll gain weight. My advice is to let her eat healthy foods and have exercise.


linethQ. - April 13

On that stage of pregnancy, that is the usual thing that will happen to pregnant women because of morning sickness. But later on, you will no longer worried about not gaining weight, it's the other way around.


jansky.23 - April 13

I think its normal for 16 weeks of pregnancy, that is because of nausea and vomiting. But when it reaches 24weeks up, her appetite will get back and this time you will no longer worried about the underweight. With her appetite back, she will eat and eat because there's no more hindrance and this time around your problem will be the weight gaining already.


violet - April 14

Your baby's nails are well formed and some babies are even in need of having their nails trimmed at birth. Your baby is emptying his or her bladder every 40-45 minutes. The limb movements are becoming more coordinated and vigorous. The head is erect and the legs are developed. Both the gender and muscle movements are easily detectable with ultrasound. Your baby is approximately 4 inches long and weighs about 80-85 grams (3 ounces).



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