HPV And Herpes

This section of http://www.gynob.com/ is devoted to genital herpes and HPV, two quite common but incurable sexually transmitted diseases (STD's). Armed with the knowledge you need, you can prevent contracting these two infectious diseases. In many cases, the only way to fight an STD is avoidance. We can tell you how to keep safe and healthy. If you think you may already have HPV or herpes, or have received a confirmed diagnosis of one of them, read up on these infections and learn about your options for treatment.

Genital Warts

The human papillomavirus or HPV is an STD that can cause genital warts and cervical cancer. Right now, there's no cure for HPV, however there are two vaccines that prevent some of the most dangerous strains of this STD. Read our articles on the vaccines and decide if one of them might be right for you.

We also have the information you need on treatment for genital warts, recurrent warts and why having HPV necessitates regular testing for cervical cancer. The best way to fight this cancer is through early detection and treatment. Regular pap smears ensure you can catch the signs of this cancer before it is too late for a cure.

Another issue for those with HPV is pregnancy. HPV can be transmitted to a baby during delivery. Read our article on pregnancy and HPV to learn how you can protect your unborn child from catching your HPV infection.

Incurable STD

Yet another STD without a cure is genital herpes. We have informative articles on this STD which treat topics such as how to avoid getting herpes, how to spot the symptoms of herpes and natural and medical treatments for this infection. Learn how your stress levels can have an impact on your symptoms. Find out what to do if you get herpes while you are pregnant and learn, too, what this will mean for your infant.

Both HPV and herpes are difficult to detect through screening and testing, except in the case where warts or sores are active and visible. HPV is often without noticeable symptoms, and this is even truer of men with HPV. The only way to diagnose HPV is often through related symptoms or complications. 

Even though you may not have any symptoms, you are still a carrier who can transmit this infectious disease to your sexual partners. HPV and herpes can be transmitted through unprotected oral, vaginal, or anal sexual intercourse. Unprotected intercourse means that the partners either don't use condoms, or don't use them as intended.

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