Preconception Diet

Believe it or not, a woman who wants to get pregnant has to start eating for two before she conceives. Besides, getting lots of nutrients can only aid you in your attempt to get pregnant. Here are some important tips for getting the nutrition your body needs:

Any discussion of preconception nutrition must begin with folic acid. Find this important vitamin in green leafy vegetables, pistachios, avocados, citrus fruit, peanuts, fortified bread, strawberries, and cereal. Are you a picky eater? Take folic acid as a tablet.

Stocking Up of Nutrition

Folic acid is crucial in preventing neural tube defects in developing fetuses and can reduce this risk by 50%-70%. Neural tube defects occur during the earliest part of pregnancy when you probably wouldn't even have discovered the happy news that you've conceived. That's why you need to begin stocking up on the stuff before you even attempt conception.

Step up your dietary intake of folic acid or start taking folic acid supplements at least a month before you start trying to conceive. Keep it up during your first trimester. The March of Dimes suggests women take multivitamins that include 400 micrograms of folic acid, daily.

On we go to the idea that the foods you consume should be packed with nutrients. Always opt for foods that improve your health. Pick whole wheat bread over white bread. Go for fresh-squeezed OJ over the sugar-laden juice drinks, and skip foods containing empty calories. Look for additive and hormone-free, organic foods that have a high concentration of minerals, vitamins, protein, and fiber.

No Sushi During Pregnancy

Steer clear of raw eggs, fish, poultry, and meat. No sushi and no carpaccio, and of course: no raw chocolate chip cookie dough. Stay away from shark, swordfish, tilefish, and kind mackerel. Other (cooked) fish are okay when eaten in moderation.

Swear off products containing unpasteurized milk and other dairy items. Avoid soft cheeses like Roquefort, Quesa Blanca, Brie, and Camembert.

Make sure you give raw veggies and fruits a good scrubbing to rid them of germs and pesticides. Heat all leftovers and ready-to-consume products, such as hotdogs, until they are piping hot.

Stay hydrated by drinking a minimum of 8 glasses of water each day. Don't drink carbonated beverages. Caffeine consumption should be reduced and phased out. First of all, caffeine is a natural diuretic so it leaches fluids from your body. Second of all, the ingestion of caffeine (the equivalent of 3 cups of coffee per day) has been shown to be one of the risk factors in intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and in miscarriage.

No alcohol. Period. The National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities says that birth defects from alcohol consumption happen during the first 3-8 weeks of gestation.

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