Menopause Vaginal Dryness

Among the top ten issues for women who are perimenopausal or post-menopausal, is the issue of vaginal dryness. About 50% of all women in the "menopausal age group" of 40 to 59 years of age suffer with this painful symptom. Women with high stress levels or those coming off HRT often experience the unpleasant effects of vaginal dryness as well. These symptoms can become more intense after menopause.

Sexual Dysfunction And Lost Libido

Female sexual dysfunction and loss of libido can be tied directly to these symptoms of menopause. Because there is a lack of vaginal lubrication, intercourse can be painful and a woman may dread sex as a result. A drop-off in libido is a natural ending to this scenario. However, even though vaginal dryness is a common symptom of menopause, it need not be inevitable.

The drop in estrogen production that happens during menopause most commonly causes loss of lubrication. The lining of the vaginal wall thins out and becomes dry and muscle tone is reduced. The length of time it takes for arousal is yet another result of low estrogen. Vaginal dryness may also be caused by emotional problems or unresolved issues in the relationship. In addition, some medications cause vaginal dryness and if that is the case, then medical help should be sought.

Drink More Water! Vaginal Dryness Cure

There are some simple ways to address the problem and improve natural lubrication. However, since they are all natural, it can take some time for them to actually manifest-so be patient. The first thing may sound too simple, but it is profoundly important. Make sure you are properly hydrated by drinking enough water. It is surprising what a difference this simple act can make. Chemicals can affect the mucosal tissues of the vagina, so check your environment for irritants. Perfumes, laundry soaps, shower soaps and bathing products, may have chemicals that cause discomfort.

Skip The Low Fat Diet To Cure Vaginal Dryness

Your body can get a lot of support and help from the foods you eat. You can balance your hormones to some degree with proper nutrition. While a low fat, high-carb diet may help the waistline, it can be the demise of your sex life. Your body requires certain nutrients in order to produce sex hormones. Estrogen requires cholesterol to produce vaginal lubrication. If you are not eating any fat, then you are probably not producing enough cholesterol. If meat is out of the equation for you, then try using flax seed or soy, which are both good phytoestrogens. Complete the dietary picture with a high quality medical-grade multivitamin/mineral supplement. No matter how well we eat, there are always gaps in our nutrition to be filled.

Phytotherapy Works

Bioidentical hormone replacement and phytotherapy are both very effective ways to help restore vaginal lubrication and are available in both supplements and creams. There are a number of good personal lubricants available in health food stores. Many women find they can achieve immediate relief with the use of one of these products.

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