Clomid - It's Not Always The Answer

There Are Many Causes of Infertility

Infertility can be caused by a number of different factors affecting both women and men. Some of the most common causes of infertility in women are diminished ovarian reserves, as happens with women older than 35 or women with premature ovarian failure; blocked fallopian tubes - the result of endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease; or polycystic ovarian disease. Men may experience low sperm count, poor sperm morphology and motility (the shape and movement of sperm), and a variety of diseases which can render a man infertile. Overall, the problems are split 50/50 between men and women.

Each Couple Is Different and Should Be Treated Individually

Treatment for infertility will vary, depending upon the level of diagnostic testing. There are no pat answers and each couple's experience will differ. If the fertility problem lies in the fact that the woman is not ovulating while other facets of her cycle are relatively normal, then Clomid is the first choice of fertility drugs issued. Unfortunately, many physicians prescribe this drug without first testing the man to see if there is a problem with his fertility. Also, women who are not monitored when using Clomid can become negatively impacted by its side effects. About one third of women who use Clomid and are not monitored experience a situation where cervical mucus becomes hostile to the sperm and kills sperm on contact.

When To Use Clomid

Clomid is one of the least expensive - and remains one of the most effective - of the medications used to treat ovulation disorders. It is a hormone that is used to induce ovulation, to correct ovulation that is irregular, to increase egg production and it is also used to treat luteal phase deficiency. When used under the right circumstances, Clomid will cause ovulation within the first three cycles in 70-90% of women taking the drug. Of those, 40% will conceive with a chance of 5-10% having a multiple pregnancy.

The Importance of Careful Monitoring

Women who are prescribed Clomid to address infertility should be monitored to maximize the success of the drug and to protect against potential side effects, some of which include adverse effects to the cervical mucus and ovarian cysts. Many physicians and reproduction professionals recommend that no more than three cycles lapse before re-evaluating the treatment. If everything is progressing favourably, then another three cycles may be suggested with the dosage being increased to the maximum level allowed by the manufacturers. Some doctors prescribe more than the recommended dosage and this most frequently leads to a thinning of the uterine lining. Even if the egg is released and fertilized, it will be unable to implant.

If Clomid Isn't the Answer

If, after six documented ovulatory cycles a couple fails to conceive, they enter the area of having unexplained infertility. If they haven't yet sought help from professionals who specialize in fertility treatments, it is recommended they search for someone who can help them properly address their specific situation.


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