Thinning of the Uterine Lining

The Thickness of the Wall

For many women who are in the throes of fertility treatments, the thinning of the endometrium is a problem. Under normal conditions and in response to estrogen - naturally produced in the body - the uterine lining grows about 1-2mm every other day. Ideally, at the time of ovulation, the endometrium would be about 8mm in thickness. If there is a failure in the development of a normal uterine lining, the chances of a fertilized egg becoming implanted is threatened.

What Causes Thinning of the Endometrium?

There are several factors which can affect the normal growth of the uterine lining. Such things as infection, scarring from D&Cs, low estrogen levels, poor uterine blood supply or endometrial antibodies can all make an impact. Since Clomid is an antiestrogen, it can block the stimulation of estrogen on the endometrium and as a result, create a thin lining in the uterus.

How Does Clomid Affect the Uterus?

Clomid consists of two isomers - one of which leaves the system within a week of cessation of usage and the other which remains in the body for up to six weeks, causing a continuing anti-estrogen effect. If a woman takes Clomid for more than three months consecutively she will undoubtedly experience a thinning of the uterine lining. Women over the age of 40 rarely, if ever, have a baby using Clomid because as she ages the lining of the uterus naturally thins. Clomid exacerbates this situation. Actually, Clomid can reverse and act as a relative contraceptive after three consecutive months of use, regardless of the age of the woman or her ovarian response. It is important to discontinue use of Clomid for a period of six weeks in order to eliminate all of the anti-estrogen isomer from the system.

Adenomyosis - What it Does

There is a condition known as adenomyosis in which the normal endometrial tissue grows within the muscular walls of the uterus. The cause of this condition remains unknown, but the problem is typically found in women who are in their late childbearing years. This disease usually disappears after menopause and does predispose a woman to thin uterine lining. Limited success has been attained with the use of GnRH-agonists such as Lupron or Zoladex.

A Finding - Not a Condition

Thin endometrium is a finding, not a condition, disease or syndrome. As a result, there are not many research papers available on the subject. It seems that overall, thin endometrium is due to another specific cause outside of being a syndrome on its own. It is advisable that a medical practitioner find the cause of the situation and then a treatment can be established.


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