
Everyone has bad hair days. You know: those days when you realize you've just had it—you're chopping it all off—all of it. Then again, not a small number of us have issues with hair sprouting up in places where we'd rather not find any at all. Are you tired of covering up? We don't blame you: it's a nasty feeling.

Let's get one thing straight: you don't have to suffer from hair that won't behave or arrives where it isn't wanted. It's time to get proactive and read all about how you can achieve gorgeous locks and rid yourself of ugly excess body and facial hair. Soon, you'll be looking the way you always wished you did and feeling that all's right with the world.

Permanent Scarring

Unwanted facial and body hair are a big problem for some, but even worse perhaps, are ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs can cause great discomfort and if left untreated, can develop into a serious infection. This type of infection may lead to permanent scarring of the skin. It's important to learn about the causes of ingrown hairs and what can be done to treat them once they develop.

As for hair that crops up where you wish it wouldn't, you know how bad it feels to be seen in a bathing suit or in the nude. You may feel desperate to learn how to rid yourself of this unwanted hair for good. Learning about the causes of hirsutism can help you understand the mechanics of how the hair got there in the first place, and what you might do to get rid of it all.

Medical Treatments

What about thinning hair? Some women think this type of hair loss only happens to men, but that's not the case. We have the lowdown on female hair loss: what causes it and how to treat the condition. Today there are medical treatments and hair extensions that can counter hair loss. You don't have to put up with baldness or cover your head with a wig.

Speaking of wigs, are you ready to give up those bad hair days forever? Have you just had yet another haircut from Hell? We can guide you toward the right hairstyle to suit both the texture of your hair and your facial shape. We can help you figure out the right hair color to suit your natural skin tones. We even tell you how to make those curls behave. You can kiss those bad hair days, goodbye.

Maybe you're most interested in hair removal techniques. We have scads of information on the topic of waxing and laser hair removal, for instance. We help guide you toward knowing which techniques are right for you and explain what you can expect during and after these procedures. Rest assured you've come to just the right place to learn all you need to know about hair.

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