
To maintain a healthily reproductive system, it's important to go for regular tests to ensure that your body is healthy and that there are no conditions that may affect your reproductive system in a negative way. All women should regularly see a gynecologist and should get many yearly examines to make sure everything is in working order 'down there'. Surprisingly, many women are afraid to see their doctor or to get the necessary and potentially life-saving tests that every women should receive annually. This is why we have created this special section entitled Tests.

We believe that if women educate themselves about the tests they should receive: why they need them, how they are performed, what happens if they receive a negative result, then they will not be afraid. Start putting an end to your fears about seeing your doctor by reading our articles today.

Pap Smear

The most common test performed by any gyneocologist is a pap smear and this is a test that every women should receive annually. During your pap, your doctor will take a sample of the cells in your cervix and look for changes. Any changes in the cells will signal a sign of an infection, abnormal cervical cells, or cervical cancer. The good news is, that by catching any of these infections or conditions early, which is what is done by receiving regular pap smears, none of them will be permanently damaging or life threatening. These conditions only become serious when they are not treated on time. This is why receiving a regular pap smear exam is so important.

To really understand the importance of pap smears, read our article on The Value of the Pap Smear to learn why every woman should regularly go for a pap test and how often it should be done. Also browse through our other articles on the different types of tests available for you to maintain your reproductive system.


Also receive valuable information on what a hysterectomy really is and about how one is performed. Begin to understand this procedure and decide if a hysterectomy is right for you. If you may still want children in the future, then check out our article on alternatives to having a hysterectomy and discover the many options available to you.

If you are already pregnant and want to know how your doctor can tell how far along you are then check out our article on fundal height measurement.

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