Hostile Cervical Mucus
What most women think of the lubrication that helps make sex a bit more fun is known in medical parlance as cervical mucus. Cervical mucus is manufactured by glands that line the cervical canal. The cervical mucus undergoes steady changes in appearance and in consistency throughout the menstrual cycle and plays a crucial role in conception.
Acid Environment
Sperm would not be able to live in the acidic environment of the vagina without the cushioning that is provided by the cervical mucus. The acid would immobilize sperm right when they need to journey as fast as they can into the uterus and then to the fallopian tubes so they can fertilize the waiting egg and make a baby. The cervical mucus also helps bar abnormal sperm from travel since they can't make their way through these secretions.
But some women have a condition which causes them to produce what is known as hostile cervical mucus. This type of mucus is thicker than normal and prevents sperm from being able to penetrate the woman's cervix. As such, conception cannot occur.
It is ironic that hostile cervical mucus occurs with regularity in women who take Clomid for infertility. This is a source of great frustration for many women. On the bright side, this common side effect can be countered in three ways.
There is a brand of vaginal lubricant that seems to overcome the problem of hostile cervical mucus by creating a better environment for sperm. This lubricant is known as Pre-seed. No other lubricant has been shown to create the same favorable vaginal environment and the other brands may even serve to damage sperm, thus reducing a woman's ability to conceive.
Cough Syrup?
A second measure that really works to counter the problem of hostile cervical mucus is the use of Robitussin, a cough syrup that can be bought without a prescription. This cough syrup contains an active ingredient called guaifenesin that thins mucus. It works on the mucus in your chest, thus clearing your cough, and it also works to thin the cervical mucus.
If your drugstore shelves don't carry Robitussin, check the available cough syrups and buy one in which guaifenesin is the single active ingredient. The other common cough syrup ingredients may block the thinning effect of the guaifenesin; something you don't want. You can also obtain guaifenesin in pill form.
Doctors recommend a dose of 200 milligrams of Robitussin or two teaspoons. Take this oral dose three times daily. If your cervical mucus is still thick, you can take more Robitussin as long as you don't exceed the maximum recommended dose as listed on the label.
Last of all, drink more water than is usual for you, since this will help to encourage the production of the right kind of cervical mucus. Experts say to drink one glass of water prior to each dose of Robitussin, too.
Take the Robitussin five days prior to ovulation and on the day you ovulate. This is a maximum of 6 days of Robitussin treatment per menstrual cycle. This will give sperm the right kind of environment in which they can survive and journey to your egg. If you take Clomid, begin taking the Robitussin after you've taken the final Clomid dose in a given cycle.
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