Potty Training Outside The Home
Mommy, I Don't Like This Potty--How To Potty Train
Here's the scenario. You need to do the grocery shopping and your child is accompanying you. You've made two trips to the bathroom before leaving the house - everything should be good for a while. You are shopping; the child is in the seat of the cart when she announces in a rather loud voice that she has to go potty, NOW. You did the wise thing upon entering the store and scoped out the bathroom before you started shopping. Good Mom. Now you have child in arms, groceries abandoned in the aisle of the store and you are bolting to the bathroom. Once there you set her on the seat only to hear, "I don't like this potty, Mommy."
Taking It To The Streets--Potty Training Outside The Home
It's always such a great success when your child learns how to use the toilet at home. Somehow, you don't feel like quite a success when she refuses to use it when you are not at home. Often, because the new spot is unfamiliar, the child is somewhat fearful. With some preparation and know-how, you can overcome the "I don't like...." With some simple and firm guidelines, you can help your child when she's in this situation and you can certainly relieve your own stress.
No Options: Where to Use The Potty
Going to the bathroom before you leave the house is not an option, it's a rule. "We're going out, use the potty," takes all the guesswork out for the child. It isn't a request, it's a command. Using the bathroom before leaving the house is part of the program for getting ready. You might even try asking whether he wants to put on his shoes first or go potty first. That way he gets the idea that going potty isn't optional.
Remove the Fear Factor of Using the Potty
You can remove the fear factor by preparing your child for what they'll experience when going into a public washroom. There are a few features in a public washroom that you probably don't have in yours, and these are things that may cause a child anxiety or scare him. Automatic flushes are an automatic freak-out for many youngsters. You can try covering the automatic sensor with your hand to avoid a sudden, very loud explosion of water which will likely frighten your child. By allowing your child to flush the toilet at home, you can help them adjust to the experience in a public washroom. Most parents flush the toilet for their child, so when it happens automatically, the child is startled.
Let's Go On an Adventure! Public Toilets
And, what about the visit to the park? Most parents wouldn't use the public toilets in the park and certainly wouldn't allow their children to do so. A good stock of tissues, hand sanitizer and seat covers are important in these cases. Some parents carry the potty seat from home when they travel or go on outings. This provides a familiar place for the child to go. A plastic folding seat cover is a good way to protect your child when travelling or if you have to use a gas station bathroom.
It isn't always pleasant, but a little imagination and a lot of truth will help make the adjustment to life outside of your own home more bearable for both you and your child.
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