Pregnancy Week 27

Perfectly formed, but still very tiny, your baby at pregnancy week 27 weighs just over two pounds and is about 15 inches long. Baby will begin to accumulate weight as he continues to grow and mature during these last weeks of pregnancy.

Baby's Development

Until now, his eyelids have been fused together. However, between weeks 27 and 28 they will begin to open as the retina of the eye begins to mature. The retina is the light sensitive portion of the eyes and the layers that form in the retina allow the baby's eyes to receive light and then transmit the data to the brain. We call this function, sight. Some women notice that when they are in bright light their baby becomes more active, responding to the light. If you were to put a flashlight near your belly, you may find your baby moves around. Do not make a habit of doing this, though, since you really don't want to disrupt his natural waking/sleeping rhythms. Baby will have regular times of movement and rest during the day, often with waking times throughout the night when you are trying to sleep. A little patience after the birth of the baby will help him adjust to your sleeping patterns.

Baby Making Takes Energy

Your uterus is growing and by now is about 2.8 inches above your navel. As your uterus grows, it places more demands on your circulation and you may find yourself feeling more tired than you were earlier in your second trimester. Making a baby requires a tremendous amount of energy and you will likely need a nap or two through the day to replenish your stores. Frequently eating small, nutritious meals throughout the day and even getting a few short walks in may help to keep your energy stores higher.

Braxton Hicks And Uterine Monitoring

You may also find you are experiencing more Braxton Hicks contractions now as you are entering the final trimester of your pregnancy. This is normal and, generally, there is nothing to worry about unless you have a history of pre-term labor or premature birth. If there is cause for concern, or there are factors that place you in a high-risk situation, your physician may recommend home uterine monitoring at this stage of your pregnancy.

A home uterine monitoring device allows you to record your uterine contractions at home. The contractions are recorded and transmitted from your home phone to a center where they are evaluated. This service is sometimes covered by insurance, especially since the cost of care for a premature baby is very high and the cost of a uterine monitoring device is relatively low, which results in savings for the insurance company. Through uterine monitoring, your doctor can be alerted to any signals that may indicate an early labor and appropriate intervention can be made to prolong the pregnancy.

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